past event: Open Studios | Home Workspace Program, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon

Ashkal Alwan is pleased to present the Home Workspace Program 2016-17 Open Studios, with participants:

Noor Abed, Dina Aboul Fotouh, Ali Meer Azimi, Ahmed Badry, Oscar Debs, Sara El Adl, Nadine El-Khoury, Ali Eyal, Eda Gecikmez, Zina Ibrahim, Mark Lotfy, Umber Majeed, Hilda Moucharrafieh, Shayma Nader, Aarti Sunder 

The open studios are part of HWP 2016-17 | Head Above Water.

Opening night: Wednesday, 12 July | 6-9pm 
Opening hours: Thursday, 13 to Saturday | 12-8pm 

Head Above Water offered a weekly course of seminars running throughout the
9-months of the program. Seminars were divided into four intersecting modules
that dealt with text, image, sound, movement and interdisciplinarity in Seeing,
listening, writing, moving; the category of the artist in Histories of the artist; the
histories, conditions and effects of life and the future under ‘technologies’ were
elaborated in Technologies, life and the future; and Financialization introduced
the move to financial capitalism, the logic of the derivatives markets, the
relationship of art markets to the art sphere, and more. In addition, five Visiting
Professors were invited to offer workshops around their artistic methods and
practices, and to elaborate themes of their choice.

Home Workspace Program (HWP) is an independent arts study program
initiated by Ashkal Alwan in 2011. The program admits artists and other cultural
workers who wish to develop their formal and critical skills in a supportive
environment in Beirut. Organized annually, the HWP curriculum consists of an
opening preface, a series of workshops and seminars, guest lectures, group
critiques, and a range of other activities that are in large part open to the public.
Each year the program is run by a Resident Professor, and invites a Resident
Artist to mentor the HWP fellows. Tuition at HWP is free.

تسرّ «أشكال ألوان» دعوتكم للمحترفات المفتوحة للمشاركين في 
«برنامج فضاء أشغال داخلية ٢٠١٦-٢٠١٧»: 

زينا إبراهيم ودينا أبو الفتوح وأحمد بدري ونادين الخوري وأوسكار دبس وآرتي سوندر ونور عبد وسارة العدل وعلي عيال وإيدا غيجيكمز ومارك لطفي وهيلدا مشَرَّفية وعلي مير عظيمي وأمبر مجيد وشيماء نادر

تأتي المحترفات المفتوحة في سياق «برنامج فضاء أشغال داخلية» للعام ٢٠١٦-٢٠١٧:
«على وجه الغمر»

الافتتاح: الأربعاء ١٢ تموز ٢٠١٧، من ٦-٩ مساءً
ساعات العمل: الخميس إلى السبت، من ١٢ ظهراً حتى ٨ مساءً – ٨ م